About me
Welcome to my website! My name is Wei Zhang (yes, this name is so common I know), a statistics lecturer since May 2021 in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. I obtained my BSc degree in computational mathematics from Ocean University of China in 2012, and PhD degree in statistics from the University of Auckland in 2018 with Prof. Rachel Fewster and Dr. Jesse Goodman. After that I held two postdoctoral fellowships at Western University (2017-19) in the Bonner Lab and the University of California Berkeley (2019-21) with Prof. Perry de Valpine.
My research interests are mostly about ecological statistics and computational statistics. However, I am very keen to broaden my set of interests and seek new collaborations. So, please get in touch if you want to chat about any statistical stuff, although I may just know little or nothing about them. Currently, a lot of my work is about statistical (Bayesian or frequentist) methods for analysis of capture-recapture and spatial capture-recapture data. I am not patient enough, so I am particularly interested in fast (maybe approximate) methods for statistical inference. In addition, I am contributing to some R packages including nimble and nimbleSCR.
I am interested in supervising PhD students. If you feel I am potentially a nice supervisor (yes, I am to be honest), please get in touch!